At their core, illustrations are two-dimensional, non-moving elements that should depict a story or subject. Comic books are a form of more complex narrative illustrations, but even editorial headers on a website would be considered another example. Regardless of the scale your brand employs this tool, illustrations used for branding and marketing should have a goal and meaning behind them, or else they risk becoming purely decorative and superfluous. When used correctly, they can help your audiences understand abstract concepts, get to know your offerings, and imprint a lasting impression of who you are.
TAKEAWAY #1: The primary role of illustration for your brand is storytelling.
Much like your brand’s logo, illustrative styles vary across industries and mediums. When establishing a style, you should take into account your existing visual identity. For example, if your logo is simple and clean with neutral tones, your audience would be confused by a bright colored, maximalistic style. Multiple illustrations used by your brand should also be complementary. To ensure professionalism and cohesion, it’s always a good idea to start with inspirations, mood boards, and sketches to compare against your existing brand while establishing a foundation for future projects.
TAKEAWAY #2: Illustration should complement and not contradict your existing brand.
With a guiding foundation in place, your team should also consider the story you are telling. If you have a more sensitive topic to cover, sometimes illustration is a powerful way to convey a hard subject. But you have to be wary of making light of it with the wrong style. When enlisting an illustrator or a studio like Fig Industries, it is important that the artist gets to know you and your brand, and everyone involved should understand the creative brief and the subject matter being covered. All of these things contribute to a final product that will help your brand reach its goals.
TAKEAWAY #3: Authenticity and appropriateness require special attention to make your illustration successful.
Project Feature: Fig Industries Client Gift
Each year, our team designs something special to showcase our capabilities and share some end-of-year appreciation with our clients. In 2023, we created custom playing cards with illustrated animals we felt embodied our Fig Industries core values surrounded by flourishing fig leaves and intricate patterns. Learn more